About us
We are a full-service dental lab located in southern California.
From full dentures to partial dentures with metal, flexible partial denture, repair damage denture, stayplate/flippers, nightguards, retainers, we are here to satisfy all your oral needs.
In the past 25 years we have been working with over 1000 dentists all over the country. Since 2020 the pandemic hit the whole dental industry real hard, people try to keep their distance with others and try to avoid go to the dentist.
We understand your concern and decide to open our web base online store on Etsy (Shop name: WebDentistArt with average 5 star reviews) and had a lot of positive reviews.
Unfortunately, due to their policy, they cannot allow us to provide Medical services on their website. With great deals of support and request from our loyal customers, we have finally step up and create our own website. With this website we promise to meet your oral needs and solve your dental problems with the same quality product from your local dentist, but much affordable price.
Let customers speak for us

We promise to meet your oral needs and solve your dental problems with the same quality product from your local dentist, but much affordable price.